Trouble Connecting? How to install a connection with Casino Internationale. Reminder: Before you attempt to connect with Casino Internationale you must connect to your Internet Service Provider. If you have previously installed the dial-up networking feature under Windows 95 you may not need to read the following. Thank You! If you are a Windows 95 user there are several ways to establish a connection with the server. The first step is to establish a connection with your Internet Service Provider using a modem connection. The most reliable way to connect with your Internet Service Provider under Windows 95 is through dial-up networking. If your Internet Service Provider did not provide you with instructions on how to set- up dial-up networking under Windows 95, we suggest that you either follow the instructions below, contact you Internet Service Provider or call our technical support number and we will be happy to assist you. Before you start installation call your ISP to verify the following: 1) ISP phone # for modem connection 2) ISP DNS IP address 3) ISP Gateway IP address 4) symbolic domain name of ISP 5) your login name 6) your login name for PPP connection 7) your password 1. Install the Windows 95 "Dial-up Networking" feature. -First click the "My Computer" icon and look for the "Dial up Networking" icon. If it is there, skip to the next step (step 2). -Double click on "Control Panel", and then double click on "Add/Remove Programs". -Click on the "Windows Setup" tab. -Highlight the "Communications" section, and then click on "Details". -Please ensure that "Dial-up networking" is checked. -Now click on the "OK" button and you will be returned to the "Windows Setup" window. -Click on the "Apply" button. -From here, you may be prompted to insert your Windows 95 CD or diskettes. Just follow the prompts until the process is complete. -Once the software is installed, you may click the "OK" button to bring you back to the desktop. 2. Now you have to install the "Dial-Up Adapter" This is the feature that enables Win `95 to properly use your modem to connect you to the Internet. -From the "Control Panel" double click on the "Network" icon. -Assuming that it's not already installed, click on the "Add" button. -Next highlight the "Adapter" and click on the "Add" button. -From here, you will be prompted to find the adapter. On the left side of the window, scroll down until you see "Microsoft" and then highlight it. -On the right side of the window, highlight "Dial-up Adapter", and then click OK. -You will be returned to the "Network" window. Unless you need them for something else, you should highlight the entries that say "IPX/SPX- compatible Protocol" and "NetBEUI", and then click on the "Remove" button. 3. Now we must configure the TCP/IP settings -From the "Network" window still, click on the "Add" button once again. -This time, you want to "Add" a "Protocol". -Now find the "Microsoft" selection on the left side, and double click the "TCP/IP" on the right. -You should now be back into the Network window. So highlight the selection that says either "TCP/IP" or "TCP/IP->Dial-up Adapter" and click on the "Properties" button. -You will start at the "IP Address" tab. Ensure that "Obtain and IP Address Automatically" button is clicked on. -Now click on the "WINS Configuration" tab. Ensure that "Disable WINS Resolution" button is clicked on. -Now click on the "DNS Configuration" tab. Check the "Enable DNS" tab. You can put whatever you want in the "Host" section. You should put "Your ISP's X Domain name in the "Domain" section. However, if you are part of a network, check with your administrator before continuing. -Now right below where it says "DNS Server Search Order" enter your ISP's DNS address and click on "Add". Now enter the secondary DNS address of your ISP if it exists, and click on "Add". Now click "OK". -Once done, click on "OK" and on "OK" once again. You may be prompted to restart your computer, Please do. 4. We're done installing, now it's time to set-up the connection. -If you click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop, you should find a folder called "Dial-Up Networking". Open that up now. -Click on the icon that says "Make New Connection". -Now give your connection a name (such as ISP name-PPP). Your modem should show up below. If not, then you will have to set up your modem. (This should have been setup by the WIN95 installation, or if the modem is new, you should use the "Add New Hardware" function in the "Control Panel" to set it up.) -Click on "Next" and enter the proper phone number for the server you will be dialing. -Click on "Next" again, and then on "Finish". 5. Getting there, now we must configure the connection. -You should find yourself back at the "Dial-up Networking" window. -"Right-Click" on the new icon, and select "Properties". Now click on "Configure". -Your "Port" should already be set to your modem port, if not change it now. -Set the "Maximum" speed to whatever your modem and computer can handle. A typical computer with a 14.4 modem and a 16550 UART can handle a speed of 57600 bod, but usually it is 19200 bod. -Ensure that the box labeled "Only connect at this speed" is Not checked. -Now click on the "Options" tab. Click the box to check "Bring up terminal window after dialing". -Click on "OK" to get back to the "General" tab again. -Now click on the "Server Type" button. Ensure that "Type of Dial-Up Server" reads "PPP:Windows95, ...". -Ensure that only TCP/IP is checked in the "Allowed network protocols". -Click on "TCP/IP Settings" and then click on "Specify name server addresses" and enter your ISP/DNS address for the primary address and then "your ISP's secondary DNS address" for the secondary address. -Now click on "OK" buttons until you get back out to the desktop. 6. Using the connection -Open the "My Computer" icon and then the "Dial-up Networking" folder. -Now double click on the new icon that you just made. -In the window that appears, click on "Connect". Don't worry about the username and password at this point, that's only for advanced scripting which you can install later. You may have to enter something (your name) in the "username" section. -If all goes well, the modem should dial, connect, and then a little window should appear asking you for your Username, and Password. -You will be given a message that says something like "Connected at 28800bps" -You may minimize this window, and now run your Internet Applications. -When you wish to disconnect, bring the window back up, and click on "Disconnect". Now you are ready to run Casino Internationale. Simply go to the Casino Internationale folder and choose Casino Internationale icon.